Chris Morgan’s
Body Wise Massage Therapy

Expert Deep Tissue Techniques to
Relieve Pain, Recover from Injuries, Enhance Posture

Chris Morgan is an experienced Massage Therapist and instructor of Massage Therapy

An expert in Deep Tissue Massage and accomplished instructor, Chris inspires his clients and students to pursue a pain-free life-style. By gently coaching clients in breathe while receiving massage, Chris facilitates the ability to relax muscular tension at the deepest levels of tissue. Posture effected by everyday tasks such as sitting, computer work, and driving, can be improved for a higher quality of life. Athletes (or those seeking to become athletic) who have undergone physical trauma will find their needs met with compassion and pain analysis aimed to alleviate muscular injuries, new and old. With an emphasis in deep tissue techniques, Chris offers an incredible experience on and off the massage table. Whether you experience muscle pain, nerve pain, soreness, or tenderness, Chris enjoys unraveling muscle tissue towards relief.

With the intent to relieve pain and improve the quality of life.

From Deep Pain Relief and Stress Relief Massage to Movement Analysis and Coaching, each massage session is designed to meet your needs. Chris will help you set goals and keep track of your progress while you work together. You’ll learn exercises and techniques that you can work on at home to continue improving outside of appointments.

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Read about Chris receiving Teacher of the Year award in 2019 at Healing Hands School of Holistic Health.